Post prac

Like Kat this had been the best practical experience so far. I have learnt so much and enjoyed it so much. I am more confident in my teaching and feel that I can take the class all by myself.
My mentor was amazing and a teacher I expire to be. She was lovely and had a great relationship with her students. I have even loved that I have gone back and helped with reading groups. I found it strange that the teacher had minimal support and had to do everything. Also, she had three young children and was redesigning her kitchen. Wonder woman I think!

Sometimes I question can i be a teacher? Will I be able to take on all these responsibilities. After this practical experience I believe I can do it and can’t wait to be in the class. Like Kat I get a bit lost and question why I’m doing it then I go on practical and I’m like yeah let me have my own class. HOWEVER, I’m not just ready. I think after the nest three practicals I will be ready to teach.


How weird does it feel when you finish practical experience and then wake up to that early alarm that you forgot to delete (whyyyyyyyy its too early) and realize that you don’t have to go to school – BUT I WANT TO! (first time for everything)

This practical experience has been the best so far. I don’t know if it was because i have learnt and grown as a teacher or because i was given more responsibility or because my mentor was amazing.

I don’t know about you but i go through down stages when im studying. It’s like why did i choose to do this because there is so much work involved and im so tired and just want to do things that i don’t get to do, and then i get to practicals and i’m like yeahhhhhh this is why i do this. Does anyone else feel like…

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